Awarded the Stelet Lifetime Achievement Award and awards from the Slovenian Conservation Society

From the awarding of Stelet’s Lifetime Achievement Award and recognition of the Slovenian Conservation Society for outstanding contribution to the preservation and restoration of immovable cultural heritage.

In the National Gallery, the Stelet Award for Lifetime Achievement and Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Conservation and Restoration was awarded today, as well as recognition from the Slovenian Conservation Society for an outstanding contribution to the preservation and restoration of immovable cultural heritage.

Stelet’s awards for 2018 were awarded by the Slovenian Conservation Society to Dean Damjanović, Eda Belingar and the owners of the Piran accommodation Memento. Lifetime Achievement Award winner Danilo Breščak gained his initial work experience during five years of work as a curator – archaeologist at the Dolenj Museum. From 1980, he was employed in the unit for the protection of natural and cultural heritage of the Institute for Social Planning in Novi Mesto, which was reorganized in 1983 into the independent Institute for the Protection of Natural and Cultural Heritage. As the first archeological conservator of Dolenjska and Bela krajina, together with a small number of colleagues, he pioneered the fallow land in heritage preservation, especially in the preparation of the register of archaeological sites in the area of ​​the institute, between 1991 and 2002 he was also the director of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage. State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture, mag. In her speech, Petra Culetto began by congratulating the winners and thanking them for their valuable contribution to the protection of cultural heritage. She also said that “every day we must be aware that our cultural landscape consists of hundreds of castles and almost three thousand churches, scattered throughout the villages and hills. From historic towns and markets, from flat and mountain villages with double and single haylofts and from countless signs along the way. It’s all us. Our cultural heritage is a reflection of our past, present and will continue to speak about us in the future. That is why it is extremely important how we treat it, how much attention we give it. We are also aware of this at the Ministry of Culture, where we follow with interest the work of the Institute for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Slovenia. some urgent programs of the Republic of Slovenia in culture, which is one of the priorities from the coalition agreement.”